“Ministers” are called to Equip the saints, not act as lone-ranger superstars themselves. Ephesians 4:11-16, again shows us that, “He gave some to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers” … but why? This verse says plainly that it is to Equip the SAINTS to do the work of the ministry, not for these five types to only do it all themselves as ‘superstars.’ This equipping and empowering of others to serve will not happen if ‘five fold’ ministers minister for their own glory, because somehow they alone are ‘special’—they are special, but ALL of God’s children are! The Lord’s work requires an army of equipped people, not only a small handful of super-able superstars. But true equipping of the saints can only come from those who minister from the impartial heart of a parent who has genuine love for ALL of God’s Children, equally without partiality, and wants to see them all reach their full Kingdom potential, even full ministry potential, even at the expense of being overshadowed by their spiritual children. So these superstar players need to mature and get off the playing field and find their roles as Coaches, to let the regular church people, who are now treated just as spectators and bystanders, and to let them get onto the field and learn to play themselves.
What they need to be equipped to do is minster, which is very personal. We do not need to focus on mundane tasks which do not spread the Kingdom like ushers and greeters, this is very old school. What we need them to be trained and equipped to do is inner healing, deliverance, prophecy, communion, intercession, and many types of counseling, pastoral care and so on. Administrative and helps ministries are also important, but tend to be less spiritual in nature. And yes, we need coffee bar hosts and ushers too, but this is not work that has an eternal impact and should not be at the forefront of our concern. We must Equip the saints to do the work of the ministry, otherwise you will have a great coffee bar, but no transformative ministry! Take your pick!

Key Brief 6: Equip the Saints to do the Work of the Ministry
Link to Main teaching on Key 6: Equip the Saints COMING SOON