Chapter 10
The Mind of Christ
Not just having a good attitude,
it is limited omniscience,
spiritual knowledge, wisdom and senses in real time
like x-ray vision to literally SEE what the Father is DOING!
This teaching on this spiritual organ is high level meat!
I Corinthians 2:16
For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he will instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.
You may have a hard time believing me, but when I began to experience this my spiritual senses opened up and I had the ability to THINK what Jesus was THINKING, to SEE what he was SEEING. He was not talking to me, or prophesying words to me, there was no distance between his mind and mine, I was literally thinking his very thoughts.
Playing a color matching game I knew what colors the computer was going to try to surprise me with before they appeared. I scored 100%! I knew the phone was going to ring and who was calling and what they wanted a few moments before that person actually called me. I remind you, God DID NOT TELL ME this, I knew it because I was sharing his thoughts.
Then a friend wanted to talk about going to pray for his sick relative, who suddenly died, and he said he had confidence to pray for healing but not resurrection! And suddenly I had x-ray vision and I could see the family community he was about to visit but in blue colors I could see where the Father was moving—I could literally SEE what the Father was DOING!!
People ALWAYS quote this verse right but explain it wrong. They always say Jesus did what the Father told him to do. Its because they understand prophecy and well, people cant read each others thoughts … but God can. And this is a part of the mind of Christ.
Here’s just three verses where the scripture mentions Jesus knew the thoughts of people around him.
Matthew 9:3 And behold, some of the scribes said to themselves, “This man is blaspheming.” 4 But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, “Why do you think evil in your hearts?
Matthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this man casts out demons.” 25 Knowing their thoughts, he said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand.
Luke 6:7 And the scribes and the Pharisees watched him, to see whether he would heal on the Sabbath, so that they might find a reason to accuse him. 8 But he knew their thoughts, and he said to the man with the withered hand, “Come and stand here.” And he rose and stood there. 9 And Jesus said to them, “I ask you, is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to destroy it?”
And so when I was experiencing this, I knew things supernaturally around me that concerned me, not everything in the town or in the universe; I did not share the Mind of the Father, but I saw answers to very complex problems, I had like a radar of limited omniscience—again not the mind of GOD juggling planets and counseling angels in distant galaxies, none of that concerns ‘the Son’ who is ‘on Mission’ for a season ‘on the Earth,’ but whatever was within my area that concerned me as a son of God on a mission in a place, OF ALL THAT CONCERNED ME I had a supernatural suite of senses and abilities to understand and deal with. THIS is what the Bible calls the Mind of Christ and what Jesus asked me to share with you now in this chapter.
Buy I will slow it down and first lay a brief foundation, and yes, I am praying to release this impartation to all who read this chapter, as soon as you want it and are ready to lay hold of it!
Understand what I am going to share right now is something the Lord revealed to me that I have never heard any other human talk about correctly. It is not having a good attitude, or making yourself act calmly when insulted, or to act humble or anything you can do in your own human effort. This is the MIND of CHRIST, and it will change so many things.
An Impartation
While seeking the Lord one month for the program of an upcoming training, equipping and prayer ministry night, I heard Him say it was going to be an impartation meeting. After much prayer and searching I finally heard the Lord say He wanted to impart the Mind of Christ. I was unsure what this meant, but to answer my hesitancy He then said, “You have it.” And later, not as a question, He said, “You will impart it.”
So now I heard Him give my direction, but still did not understand anything He was talking about so I spent even more time in prayer to better understand what the Mind of Christ is … and how to impart it! The Lord is ever faithful, and He showed me by prophecy, illustration and by explaining some personal experiences I had, what the Mind of Christ really is. And it is positively amazing!
Impartation of a True Pearl
But let me begin with some words of caution.
This is a true spiritual mystery—a gem, a pearl—it is not of the milk of the Word, but of the meat! So while I do think any believer can receive this impartation, I also think it is quite a deep mystery and so immature believers may not be able to believe, embrace or walk in it yet. So yes, I think we should all seek it from the Lord when the desire is in our hearts, and we should minister it as an impartation when prompted by the Holy Spirit—but it was presented to me in the solemn context of His direction and specific instruction and I would encourage you to treat it with some of the same reverence and deference when doing so yourself. I don’t think the Mind of Christ is a trinket that can be handed out carelessly as if it were a party favor!
And to make your ministry more effective, in my opinion, I believe that not only the vessel ministering this impartation needs to be prepared, but the vessels of reception need to be prepared as well. There are also blocks to receiving an impartation which may need to be removed before the prayer is effective, which we’ll discuss shortly.
Additionally, to whom much is given, much is required. If we freely impart this at our discretion to people who do not want, care about or are not ready to responsibly value God’s precious gifts, we may be doing ourselves a disservice in the Lord’s economy. A disservice to ourselves as unfaithful, unwise stewards of the mysteries of God, and a disservice to those we impart to, because as we said, to whom much is given much is required—and if a person does not value and so does not honor this impartation it will be unfruitful, soon forgotten and so disregarded by them. But words of caution aside, the Holy Spirit will guide your ministry if you let Him, and I think this is an important gift that everyone needs to do the works Jesus did.
Let me restate what the Lord told me about “the Flesh.” The Flesh is simply human intelligence, understanding, perception, desires and motives. It is the mind and heart of a normal man, not only a normal man who is dealing with secular issues, but even with regards to religious issues, the bible and Christianity.
According to 1 Timothy 1:4, all of God’s work entrusted to us is done through faith. The natural mind is the source of direction and belief but which does not operate in faith.
One simple reason is because the natural mind is open to many influences that destroy faith.
One of these is in fact not considered ‘sinful,’ which is simply ignorance to what God is doing. If you can’t understand God’s will it is impossible to have real faith in what He will do or what prayer He will answer. The Bible is a general guide to His will, but if you want specifics, you need more understanding than just a general theory.
Since the natural mind obviously cannot understand or perceive the spiritual reality of the Lord, know his specific will, or tell what He is doing around you at any given moment, a person only using their normal mind cannot have real, specific faith or trust or belief in what to stand on either. These spiritual things are veiled to his natural sight, mind and understanding.
‘Sight’ is a synonym for perception or understanding—do you see what I mean? Only Jesus has SEEN the Father—only He has understood Him fully. We always sing, “Open the eyes of my heart, so I can see you.”
This is what Jesus said in Matthew 13:14-16
16But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear.”
So actually, if you think about it, we only believe what we can see, that is, what we can grasp or understand. And the natural abilities only see the surface or basic natural working of things, so we need to use our spiritual senses see what God is doing, especially when it is naturally ‘unseen’—not perceived.
Consider that some animals have camouflage that hides them from other animal predators, but not from human perception. Why do we have this superior ability to see what some other animals cannot? It is not because of the acuity or ability of our eyes. In many cases animal eyes are better at naturally seeing. The real difference is in our ability to understand what we are looking at.
Therefore, it is not the information we gather in photons or colors of light or patterns that causes us to understand and so believe something—but something in our minds. So a spiritual mind is the remedy we need to help us really become able to walk in or live in the spiritual life.
The Lord explained to me that the Mind of Christ is a SPIRITUAL ORGAN that is given to us from above that always acts and seeks:
1. to reveal the Father, and
2. to work through the Holy Spirit
That is, it operates by seeking to act in unison or in synch with the Holy Spirit to follow the Father’s will.
Plainly, as He (Christ) is so are we in this world (1 John 4:17, and John 20:21), and so we have been given this impartation, Christ’s spiritual mind, which is to help us be able to interact with the Father and Holy Spirit in the same way Jesus did, to understand what the Father wants, and then to be able to do it by the Holy Spirit, thus enabling us to faithfully do our share of Jesus’s earthly ministry, leading fruitful lives in God’s service as His earthly sons.
You can also think of it this way: Christ is a part of the trinity of the Godhead, but He has a specific position within it, different from the Father and distinct from the Holy Spirit. We are IN Christ if we are saved, which we know doctrinally, theoretically, but think about what this actually means. Our role in the Kingdom is IN Christ and so we do things ‘in Jesus’ name’ (in his place) and so we need to think, act and minister as he did to be effective and fruitful. Without the mind of Christ empowering us to relate to and interact with the Father and Holy Spirit as Jesus did, we will not be able to move (to live, to act) effectively in the Kingdom. So this is not a question of salvation or sanctification or repentance from dead works, it is rather how we can progress from living as babies to living as the mature flowing in the Spirit like a kite in the wind.
It enables us to See what the Father is doing
Then He showed me a vision of a black, twisted knot, and this mind touched it and the knot immediately unraveled itself. The Lord then said the Mind of Christ “unravels dark problems,” unsnarling them, making them plain. This is a big area that He did not at that time elaborate to me, but it includes understanding wisdom, which is a spiritual insight, as well as understanding knowledge, facts about things and what to do. It is a supernatural problem-solving ability.
But even more importantly, the Mind of Christ began to function in me and it actually revealed visually what the Father was doing; I could SEE this. Clearly God is always doing many things around us which are above and beyond the perception of the natural human mind or senses, but these things are not hidden to the Mind of Christ.
I experienced the visual perception of Father’s will through the Mind of Christ in this way: A friend was on a very challenging ministry assignment recently to pray for a very sick relative which soon became praying to raise the dead!! He called for prayer support, not knowing what to do. Suddenly I felt the Mind of Christ come onto me and I felt it as a spiritual brain, and it was attached by an elongated brain stem to a spiritual heart. These two spiritual organs, the Mind of Christ and the Heart of Christ, are somehow connected and function together. When this Mind came onto me, I could see in color all the things God was doing around that person, whereas previously with my natural mind (and senses) I had no ability to perceive or really even guess any of these spiritual activities. But suddenly I was able to SEE where and on whom God was working (and so I could also see where God was NOT working).
Jesus said he only did what he SAW the Father doing, and that is what the Mind of Christ actually sees.
Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner.
We misquote this verse often thinking Jesus only did what the Father TOLD HIM to do, but that is not what Jesus said—He could literally SEE what the Father was doing.
If you can imagine the reception a TV gets by antenna. It is a signal that is invisible to the natural human eye, but through the TV it is received, decoded and made visible. This is what the Mind of Christ does to what the Father is doing: the Mind of Christ perceives and decodes what the Father is doing so you can see, understand and follow it. This in a way is the foundational basis of real dynamic, powerful faith: knowing personally what to believe the Father for as you go on a case by case basis, not based only on verbal instructions by prophecy, and not only on general scriptures, but by an interactive stream of revelation and ‘sight.’
We also misunderstand this verse I think because we are familiar and comfortable with the idea of prophecy, the idea of being TOLD something by the Lord, which comes from Him out there, which we receive down here and then process and chew over. Yet this is not what Jesus said in this verse, but it IS how the Mind of Christ operates. It is beyond prophecy, and instead of there being a clear separation of our mind and His, the two become ONE, and we actually begin to operate in unity of thought with Him. We start to have his thoughts in our own minds in an intimate way.
The Heart of Christ
I mentioned that the Mind of Christ is also intricately connected to the Heart of Christ, which is also imparted to us as we seek the Lord and seek an exchange, a deep transformation of our desires and motives.
This is the emotions and passions that Christ had. It is his soul replacing our soul in one way of thinking. There is a good book I read recently by Esteban Antonio on this ‘Heart of Christ’ entitled, From Heart to Heaven, which the Lord said to me is an important mandate for the Body.
What I can briefly reiterate from Esteban’s book is this:
The basic idea is that we cannot live with the heart—internal passions, desires, emotions—of man and flow in the Spirit. We cannot have both the old human heart and the new spiritual heart active within us, directing us at the same time; we live from either one or the other. So to walk in the Spirit, to live with Christ’s passions and emotions, desires and will directing us, then we need to live from the spiritual heart. This is only possible if we crucify and remove the old human heart and have it REPLACED.
So the Heart of Christ is what causes us to align our desires with His. Our WILL. Until we do this, we are always struggling to obey a foreign master. Without the heart of Christ we may still obey, but only as much as we can forcibly conform our carnal, independent will to His. But with such a carnal heart alive in us, at the core of our being, we are still rebellious at heart, waiting for a chance to throw off this oppressive taskmaster. The Heart of Christ is a replacement of our will with Christ’s will in a way. No longer are we fighting to love our enemies against our desires, instead, from inside of us God’s law has become our will, and it is what we desire from the inside out. We have been reborn … and it is in the image of Christ. We become by nature submission and in tune with the Heart of God—internally, intrinsically, intimately wed to His soul.
Very often in communion with the Lord we’ve witnessed people offering their wounded hearts to Jesus to be healed and very often He takes their hearts . . . but does not want to just heal it and return it, but to give them a NEW HEART instead. We’ve seen this several times in communion and believe this is independent confirmation of what Esteban is talking about—having our old heart replaced by a new spiritual heart made in Christ’s image.
This is a very profound and valuable revelation in itself, which I encourage you to read if you can find a copy of it somehow.
A lot more needs to be said about this, but since my revelation is primarily on the Mind of Christ, that is what I need to focus on right now, but I know they are attached, and even function together, and we need to embrace both to be complete. But until the Lord has given me more personal insight on the Heart of Christ I can’t really talk about it more than I have.
Functioning in the Mind of Christ is unlike Prophecy
Also I want to explain that operating in the Mind of Christ is unlike having the gift of prophecy. I believe the gift of prophecy still functions through a believer’s inner man, their heart or spirit, but in which case a message is heard by us which we usually know is coming from another source different from us: the Holy Spirit, Jesus, the Father or an angel. We hear the Lord’s voice separately from ours, and we can look objectively at a message, hold it at arms’ length and judge or test it. And when we are ready to give a word, we then release and consciously and purposefully redirect it out to the community by consciously speaking it forth.
The spirit of a prophet is subject to the prophet, giving the prophet a personal control over the flow of prophetic messages. That is what Paul was saying in 1 Corinthians 14:32. We can be orderly in our meetings and when we share since we can control when to prophesy and release what is bubbling up through our spirits.
So in a way of speaking, a prophetic message usually comes into us and then goes out of us and is clearly separate from our thoughts—it is a defined ‘message’ for the sake of the Body at large after all.
The Mind of Christ, however, seems to replace our mind or thought process and is not so much about delivering a message to others, but is more about the internal operation of our private thought life. His thoughts and our thoughts actually become merged. We think and feel as He is thinking and feeling in us, through us. The content is also far deeper and rich than messages and information—it is the internal thoughts and feelings of the Lord.
I have also begun to compare prophecy to sending a letter or an e-mail, and functioning in the Mind of Christ to being hooked up to live streaming media or a TV signal. Both are sources of information from God to us, but one is in the format of a separate, definite message, and the other is as a continuous live stream of thoughts and feelings.
This is also unlike the “prophetic flow,” where a person can prophesy as a river flowing through them without knowing or even hearing what the Lord is about to speak through them next, since they are speaking as fast as it rises in their spirits, since again the information from the Mind of Christ is less about giving a prophetic message to others, and is more about knowing what God is leading us to do moment by moment personally, internally, privately.
It is also not an internal dialogue between us and the Lord’s Spirit as prophecy and even as personal communion and prayer journaling is … it instead is when our minds are one, and our very thoughts are joined with the divine mind and we enjoy a kind of limited omniscience. We cannot and do not step back to observe the flow of ideas externally coming to us, since we observe them as out own thoughts internally seeming coming from within us.
I’m finding this a little hard to explain. So let me give an example.
I was playing a very simple computer game to relax one night. I had to shoot colored targets with matching color fireworks. There were three colors that would come up in a random order, and suddenly during the game I realized I knew what the next color was going to be. I was 100% accurate for several minutes, and why it was so shocking to me is that it was not the Holy Spirit prophesying to me, or telling me what was going to happen next—I myself was thinking and knowing the supernatural reality as it was happening in real time.
I’ll try to explain more. I was not ‘hearing’ this in my spirit, so it did not come as a message to me, “Ed, the next color will be gold!” Instead I had no separation of the insight and my very thoughts … I was just aware of this knowledge as intimately as I normally think to myself as I look around the room and see the keyboard on the desk, the pencil stand, the speakers … the next color in the game was going to be gold … there’s some loose papers by the monitor, my pencil is in need of sharpening … the next color in the game will be green … and so on. My mind was transformed into a spiritual mind that was plugged somehow into God’s omniscience—I was actually a little startled at first, even though I’ve been prophesying for nearly 20 years and it was only revealing the simple facts of a video game, not deeply spiritual truths from God’s deep, eternal mind! So I should have been more prepared I suppose, but I had never even heard of God doing this before so it was new and very exciting.
Later, this ‘knowing’ began happening when people were speaking to me, when I would just know what they were going to say next or the point they were going to make. Again, I was not guessing, and I was not discerning it, I was not hearing the Holy Spirit tell me as a prophetic word, nor was I getting a word of knowledge, which comes to me as a distinct message or as an impression or as a voice, usually in my heart, saying, “Next she will say this and that.”
No, this is not a separate message of truth given to me as a listener , or a feeling of discernment … these are MY THOUGHTS that are somehow streaming live from God! Wow!
I told you this was a pearl—definitely meat, not milk!
So to recap, the Mind of Christ:
• Is a spiritual organ that always seeks
a. to reveal the Father, and
b. work through the Holy Spirit. (motives)
• It sees or reveals what the Father is doing. (perception)
• It is connected to the spiritual Heart of Christ. (desires, motives and emotions)
• It unravels dark (unclear) problems, or solves mysteries. (intelligence, and understanding)
• It is unlike the gift of prophecy—it is in place of our own thoughts.
Some Key Verses:
Thinking of these things a few verses came to my mind. Then looking up the word “mind” in the New Testament revealed more insight to this impartation. I did not include every verse with “mind” here, and some versions may render some instances of “mind” differently, but this will give you some general insight to the Scriptural definition of this spiritual organ.
Seeing what the Father is doing
John 5:19
Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner.
This verse sums up two of the biggest things the Lord revealed to me about this spiritual organ: first, that Jesus could SEE what the Father was doing, and second, that he can only do those things if he has help—meaning, he only acts in a strength not his own, namely the power of the Holy Spirit.
This is the same position from which we serve God as Christians, meaning as “little Christ’s,” and our ministry is the furtherance of Christ’s ministry—reveal the Father, by obeying His will, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Hearts and Minds Guarded by Peace
Philippians 4:4-8
4Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! 5Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. 6Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
So from this we understand the heart and mind are guarded in Christ in peace as they are actively trusting God (something the natural mind cannot do according to the next verse). What is the Peace of God, but Lord’s living presence. And by purposefully aligning ourselves with its intentions and orientation, we allow God’s gift to start working, functioning in us. We may in a way “tune into” it, connect to it, or really we are allowing it to become activated. This spiritual mind dwells on noble, “higher” thoughts, and so that is how we can “put it on” and start to “walk in it.” Otherwise, if we dwell on anger, fear, worry, doubt, disbelief, we will distance ourselves from the Lord’s provision of peace and wisdom in our hearts and minds.
Life, and being at peace with God
Romans 8:6-7
6For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, 7because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so …
So the Mind of Christ is spiritual in nature and is at peace with God (obedient, in synch, not at odds), and is subject to God’s will, e.g., God’s Law, something the natural mind cannot be or do. We can embrace this provision of a spiritual mind, by setting our focus on being at peace and praise, faith and trust, and we will soon cease being hostile to God but find our true hearts’ desire is to obey His will.
Revealing and proving God’s will, his desires
Romans 12: 2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
So the Mind of Christ will prove God’s will, or see God’s will plainly so it can be proven, or to act out God’s will so people can know plainly what it is. This is not the ordinary mind of the flesh merely being diligent to be religious, and obey religious rules and habits, but a mind “renewed” by the Holy Spirit to operate supernaturally in godly desires and motives.
There is one mind of the Father, and another of the Son
I Corinthians 2:16
So there is one Mind of the Father, and another Mind of the Son, which we have. The Mind of Christ does not instruct the Father, so by implication it is obedient to and is instructed by Him; and so again we see our place in relation to the Trinity (which is from inside the Christ, as a member of His Body). That’s deep! But very clear.
Also, this is something we HAVE because it has been given to us within our inheritance in Christ, but many will still not be able to “access” it or “enjoy” it until they figure out how to “receive” or have it “dwell” within them actively, which is done by faith by those who have reached a certain level of maturity.
The immature or carnal will not understand all this, and it will probably confuse them. “Why do we have to ‘receive’ what we already ‘have’? How can we ‘impart’ what we already ‘have’?”
They may “have” it in the sense that it is a pending offer to them, but they may not have yet accessed it or may not yet be enjoying it, walking in it, until they mature enough in Christ-like character to be willing to let go of the lower order of things, and embrace the new, spiritual order give to us in Christ. Embracing and walking in it simply comes down to a matter of faith, or confidence, or assurance.
James addresses this very thing in James 1:6-8, talking about receiving something from the Lord:
6But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. 7For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, 8being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.
New mind, new identity—the new self that is in Christ’s likeness
Ephesians 4: 23-24
23and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.
So the Mind of Christ is spirit (not a physical organ), and is given to us to make us into the likeness of God (give us godliness, or make us godly), so we can partake of or live in (abide in) righteousness and the holiness of truth (being at peace or in synch with God). Sounds very crucial to living in the higher, spiritual life! It is also the basis for our new identity—our ‘new self’ this verse says—which is also spiritual and divine in nature and origin.
Set your mind on things above to receive this provision
Colossians 3: 1-3
1Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. 3 For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
So we need to keep seeking the things above, the things of the higher spiritual life, for the Mind of Christ does just that, it seeks the things above, not earthly things, which it sees as useless. It gravitates towards what is eternal in nature. We align our minds with this direction and we will soon start to receive this spiritual provision.
God’s ways written on our hearts and minds
Hebrews 10:16
So again the Mind of Christ is somehow connected to the new Heart we have been given in Christ, which enables us to live in obedience to God’s ways through faith and his empowering grace (e.g., not by forcing ourselves in the flesh through external pressure to obey the letter of the law, but through the internal working of God’s spiritual desire and empowerment).
Sharing these things a friend came up with another verse, “take all thoughts captive to Christ” which I think also touches on this issue.
Our Will to SEEK is only the KEY that opens the door, not the mind of Christ itself
Reading this verses where we are told to “set our minds on things above,” or “take all thoughts captive,” etc., may cause people to think we are just talking about disciplining our own thought life, but that is not the full picture. By aligning our hearts and minds on the Lord, we are merely preparing ourselves to receive this provision of the Lord’s spiritual mind and heart. Our obedience to seek to dwell on higher things, and obey the Lord is only like turning a key that opens a door or starts a car. The key is small and itself is not the benefit, it only allows us enter a room filled with treasure and wonder, or to start a car that will make a whole new level of power and ability open to us.
So the setting of our hearts on peace, on things above, on walking in the Lord’s ways are only the keys we need to use to receive his Mind operating in us.
So the obedience and the faith is not the blessing or the provision, it is only the way we can access and receive it. If we are not active in seeking it first, or not in assurance and faith that the Lord allows and even wants us to enjoy it, or not conscious of it when it is beginning to operate in us, then we will not be able to receive or fully walk in its marvelous operation in our lives—this is simply a way of explaining why it takes maturity and developed faith to enjoy it.
I encourage you to seek the provision of this wonderful impartation yourself, either directly from God or through another human minister, and also to seek to better understand it, and then teach on it and minister it to others who seek the Lord’s pearls yourself.
And what may help you do this is to identify a few of the blocks to receiving an impartation that people suffer from. These are specific hindrances to receiving things from the Lord, but which primarily have to simply do with our hearts’ condition before the Lord. If you choose to minister this or any deep impartation, you may want to first minister to remove these blockages first, to make the main impartation faster and more effective.
A friend of mine, or more of an acquaintance, William Lam, explained these to me, and I want to thank him for his insight.
Four main blockages he identified are:
1. The religious spirit
2. Holding onto judgments in the flesh
3. Pride, and
4. Woundedness.
The human heart is deceitful above all things, and we do not usually know our heart’s real condition. But it is revealed to us through the light of the Holy Spirit, and remedied by the power of the Spirit as well. So when imparting this pearl, instead of spending a long time probing everyone’s personal issues, we simply invited everyone to receive ministry for all the blockages.
We got all the people into small groups of three of four people so they could pray for each other, ministering freedom from these four blocks themselves, which allowed the impartation to be more effective, faster and easier, since the workload was not all on my shoulders.
In our ministry time, we simply led people to pray to undo (destroy, loose, untie) the enemy’s works, and then release the Kingdom and the presence of the Lord to replace it with His Order. The Lord also mentioned some specific remedies in some cases, as outlined below.
1. Religious Spirit
We spoke about this at length in the start of this book, but let’s look at it from the perspective of the manifestations often seen in an individual. This can be understood as the Pharisee attitude, being confident in our knowledge and our own interpretations and resisting the Holy Spirit; it is having a law-based relationship to God, (legalism) or having a works-based mentality (self-righteousness), which manifests in trying to do enough good to earn God’s grace (help or empowerment), but which is already given freely—but only received by the humble. This spirit is a false Holy Spirit actually, which produces a false version of everything Holy, and which Jesus and Paul said was like yeast—a yeast that would pollute us entirely if we got any of it.
According to one well know minister, the Lord said this is the greatest demonic problem on earth. Another said this is the very spirit of anti-Christ, the spirit that is “anti-anointing.” Again, despite how close to the truth it looks, it is a spirit of false religion, false Christianity—a spirit of dead religion, which we need to unmask and expel.
2. Judgments in the Flesh
This may or may not have any religious context, but is living by appearances, deciding that what one sees is true and being blind to the levels of reality that we cannot see with natural senses. When a person is immature, they often think they know everything, but the more a person actually learns the more they realize they know so very little. So he who truly sees is the one who knows he is unable to see many invisible layers of truth, so he relies on God’s insight (discernment, revelation) instead of his own judgments in the natural way (sight) which only sees (perceives, understands) things on the surface.
The wise and the faithful lean NOT upon their own understanding and perceptions, but lean upon the Lord for understanding and to perceive things rightly as He sees them.
The key revelation we need, the Lord said to me, is the word by Mitt Jeffords called Lakeland and the Seven Seals, which we had printed an excerpt of in our prophetic journal but I will try to post on line soon.
This is a 30,000 word prophecy that we excerpted into 4,500 words (4 pages) that will likely change your life, as several of Mitt’s words have done to me.
3. Ego, Pride
Then the Lord prophesied to explain this element more. The third block is …
“Ego, pride, your sense of self importance, which you all have, but it is this especially when it defends itself above the ALL KNOWING ETERNAL GOD, CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. You are but a traveler through my lands, not the creator of them or even of yourself. Even your faith in me is made, grown, nourished and perfected by ME. Your sense of ‘I’ needs to give way to an allegiance to Me, the I Am—for you can do all things, but it is only through Christ who strengthens you—you are but a vessel!
“Tell them, I love them despite their wicked ways.
“Was not Abraham also a ‘sinner’? Did he not also deceive, lie and fear? But I love him and gave to him my unbreakable covenant (unbreakable by Me), an everlasting covenant—due to his faith, which I also gave him, all to pour out my mercy, not my wrath onto him— I created him and all of you here [at that particular meeting] to be vessels of honor. Read what this means [2 Timothy 2:20-21]—do you understand why I have chosen you to be the objects of my mercy—because you yield yourselves to me—do not be stubborn. So do not be fixated on guilt, or sin—know it exists and watch out for its deceitfulness—the deceitfulness of wealth even—but these are not in my heart!
“Set your sights on things above where your hope of salvation comes from—it is from I, the I AM, not the ‘I Was,’ or ‘I Used to Be but fell from my original purpose’—No, ‘I AM.’ I Am all I ever can or will be. I Am ALL that I AM. …”
I found this verse to go with the prophecy above to explain a vessel of honor: 2 Timothy 2:20-21:
We obey and cleanse ourselves (an act of our will, empowered by HIM) and so become a vessel of honor. The Lord said to me it was when we choose to “yield ourselves to Him.”
4. Woundedness
We will need to ask for healing, to give forgiveness, and seek to put aside whatever has come against us that hinders us in this area—it is by Christ’s power but again something we must seek, often very diligently.
Inner healing is having our broken hearts “bound up” or bandaged and it is the first step of receiving the restoration that Christ’s ministry brings, which I explained in context in the chapter on Isaiah 61, which the Lord told me is the model of our new life in Christ—the experience of the restoration of Christ that the gospel of the Kingdom gives to us.
The topic of inner healing is already well understood and so I do not think I need to elaborate on it here. But in general, people with deep emotional pain and especially unforgiveness from hardships and injustice suffered, real or perceived, will have a very hard time growing and receiving until the urgent matters of their hearts are remedied.
First things first. Inner healing, bondage breaking, release from darkness must be enjoyed by people before they can start to enjoy the deeper things of Christ.
Trying to deal only briefly with any of these blocks when people actually have very deep needs, or trying to quickly bring a group of people who are new believers or stagnated believers into a deep pearl of the Lord may not bear much fruit.
But actually, the ministry of Communion is the ministry of the restoration of the heart itself. What will prepare people for deep impartation fairly effectively and fairly quickly is leading them to enjoy the Lord’s communion, fellowship with the Lord in spirit, for a few weeks or few months first. By that time very many personal needs will have already been met including inner healing, the impartation of grace and enlightenment, etc., and they will likely be ready for deeper things.
Example Ministry Time
I can’t tell you how to minister in the spirit beyond sharing a few general pointers.
In our impartation meeting, what we did we just to soak for an hour in the most anointed music we had. And after a short teaching on the topic, we got into small groups to pray for each other for freedom from the four blocks. When people were ready, I took my time laying hands on each person, releasing the impartation—sometimes it was over in a minute or two, sometimes it took longer, maybe even ten minutes. People also prayed for me for strength and to bless me while I ministered, which actually helped me quite a lot.
As I laid hands on these people I just prayed, “I impart to you the Mind of Christ, in Jesus’ name,” and sometimes asked the Lord to impart His mind, repeating the main revelations the Lord showed me as the impartation was taking place: this is a spiritual organ that seeks to reveal the Father, and work through the Holy Spirit; the Mind of Christ unravels dark problems; and the Mind of Christ sees what the Father is doing.
As this was happening I was also listening to the Holy Spirit who often explained some unique aspect of how it would manifest in each individual personally: understanding mysteries, seeing the bigger picture, having a new perspective, understanding the Father’s strategic plans or deeper wisdom, seeing His beauty, etc.
Like I said, some prayers were over very quickly, but some took five or ten minutes, or even continued receiving long after I moved on. It’s good not to rush it and let it take hold.
People need to discover how to minister in the flow of the Holy Spirit for themselves—it is ‘caught not taught.’
So I cannot ‘tell’ someone how to minister an impartation beyond what I’ve already shared. If you want to experience and minister this pearl, I suggest spending time in the Lord’s presence, asking Him to give you the Mind of Christ (as well as the Heart of Christ) and once you’ve received it, ask the Lord all your questions about sharing it.
In Conclusion
I feel that if we approach the Lord with the right reverence, we will enjoy this intimate revelation of His provision for our lives. It is the fear of the Lord through which we are accounted as friends of God, and are told His secrets. Please do not be put off by the unusual air of formality I have conveyed this message with. I do suggest, however, that you take your time, digest these things, and seek the Lord for this wonderful spiritual impartation. It has already been set aside for you, before you were born in fact, and is a valuable part of your inheritance in Jesus—included in the full rights of Sons that are yours according to God’s abundant riches of grace and mercy. Please do seek this, receive it, impart it as the Lord directs you, and enjoy the wonderful benefits of having the Mind of Christ.